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How this Paid Social Expert uses Purposely.ai to Automate Creative Reporting

12-16 hours

In manual reporting hours saved per month


In time-savings value for 1 user


Months as Purposely.ai beta partner

The intro to Laura Carpenter that came through a mutual friend in February 2024 couldn’t have come at a better time. In her own words, Laura had noted “we are currently actually looking for a tool to help us better present and analyze creative performance for clients, so this was a timely intro!” Twelve days later, we had signed a POC agreement.

Laura Carpenter is one of the sharpest experts that we’ve worked with in the realm of social media advertising. Formerly of Casper (mattresses) and VaynerMedia, she knows what it takes to drive growth for a DTC brand through paid social (so if you’re looking for that, you should hire her company!). And she knows that Creative is one of the most critical pieces of an ad campaign.

The Challenge

Laura Carpenter was looking for a solution for Creative insights and reporting. More specifically, what her boutique media agency for DTC brands was missing was a way to visualize and present the actual ad creatives and their associated performance. Previously, they were just showing a bunch of audience and creative data in a spreadsheet. But one big issue with a spreadsheet report is it didn’t have visuals of the creatives. Taking screenshots of ads, formatting with associated metrics, or even linking out to ad previews are all super time-consuming and much less than ideal for client-facing reporting.

What’s even more of a time-suck? Configuring dashboards that are constantly breaking and don’t handle visuals (Creatives) well, or burning countless hours manually compiling deck reports.

"I have been really amazed at the speed you all work and implement feedback. It's kind of mindblowing how quickly you turn out requested features." Laura Carpenter, Founder at Laura Carpenter Consulting

The Result

After using Purposely for nearly 6 months, Laura Carpenter Consulting has saved roughly an hour of time per client report (compared to doing a proper creative report manually). With weekly reporting across 3-4 clients, that amounts to 12-16 hours saved per month. With an assumption of time valued at $200/hr, that’s $2,400-$3,600 in time-savings value per month.

Screenshot of Purposely.ai automated creative reporting feature (blurred metrics):

But, why even spend the time doing regular creative reporting in the first place? Targeting is the primary driver of digital ad performance, right? Wrong. In Laura’s own words, “all that matters in FB [Facebook] and IG [Instagram] is creative. It can either kill your paid program, or make it better in 24 hours.”

This aligns perfectly with our core foundational thesis at Purposely.ai: Creative is the biggest and most important lever to drive the performance of digital ads. Our product doesn’t have all the answers, but our AI insights powered by computer vision and natural language processing do tell you exactly which text and visual components correlate with higher ad performance. And importantly, these insights are continually improving. 

In addition to wanting to automate Creative reporting, Laura also said at the beginning of the engagement that she’s often asked by clients why certain ads performed well or poorly. With our Creative insights, she doesn’t need to purely guess or rely only on intuition. Laura Carpenter can reference data and insights delivered by Purposely.ai, to complement her gut. And she can do it all in minutes, rather than hours. 

Create what works with Purposely.ai

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