Customer Stories
Customer Stories

How this “All In” Agency Cut Their Lead Gen Costs in Half using Purposely.ai


Improvement in cost-per-lead over previous period


Improvement in cost-per-lead YTD (year-to-date)


New website leads generated from new optimized ads

The DSM Group came to Purposely.ai cold, through LinkedIn. The outreach automation tactic we used to connect with them piqued their interest to the point where they actually employed it for their own outreach purposes. This is what is truly unique about DSM– their team is ever curious, and does not leave a stone unturned to ensure success for their clients. On their website, they claim that “we’re all in”. After working with them, we can attest firsthand that this is not merely lip service, but is actually true, which makes all the difference.

The Challenge

When we kicked off the engagement, DSM’s primary objective was to decrease cost-per-lead (CPL) for one of their key clients, a product testing company. They did also want to track CTR (click through rate), but cared mainly about improving the cost efficiency of lead generation. So we dug into Purposely.ai insights, and pulled out learnings to inform new Creative iterations and an A/B test.

“These two creatives (and the split screen we launched earlier) in our engagement are still by far the cheapest Cost Per Lead we've ever run.” Dan Enrico, VP, Strategy

The Result

Through text insights powered by natural language processing AI, and visual insights enabled by computer vision AI, Purposely clarified a number of key insights. The first and biggest was that highlighting the client’s location in ads worked well, as words like “location”, “mall” and specific counties showed higher label lift. On a related note, ad creative that specifically showed the location and its proximity to nearby attractions also performed better. Finally, words and phrases that highlighted the value to the prospect, such as "up to $XYZ compensation", "recruiting", and "extra income" did better. 

Based on these insights, DSM created 3 new ads. The first was a video ad that combined the map and financial benefit elements. The second two were two static ads with 1) "$$ compensation" text overlay on map, and 2) logos on map for an A/B test. 

The results were promising almost immediately, and by the end of the test, we saw a 55% improvement in cost-per-lead over the previous period (from $8.22 to $3.67), and a 48% improvement in CPL in the 3 new ads compared to all other lead gen ads in the account, year-to-date. The new ads generated 118 leads in just over a month. We did also see a lift in their secondary KPI, CTR, compared to both YTD (+19%) and previous period (+48%).

Screenshot from DSM website:

DSM was already aware of many of the insights that Purposely highlighted, namely that map ads and focusing on locations do well. But getting data-driven validation of the best performing creative elements, down to the word, phrase and visual component level gave DSM the confidence to invest in new Creative development and testing that ended up cutting their lead gen costs in half.  

We look forward to continuing to inspire new creative tests, and shepherding significant performance improvements for DSM and beyond.

Create what works with Purposely.ai

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